ADDAC System ADDAC814 6x6 Stereo Matrix Mixer [Controls + Jacks] [PRE-ORDER]

ADDAC System

Regular price CAD$539.00

This item is a pre-order and is not in stock. Pre-order availability and ETA is based on details provided by the manufacturer and are subject to change without notice.

ADDAC814 is ADDAC System's take on matrix mixers - a 6x6 stereo matrix easily expandable to larger configurations.

The flexibility of a matrix mixer is far superior to a standard mixer, the possibility to route any input to any single or multiple outputs allow for very complex chains, combining parallel and series processing while easily reconfigurable without any extra patching.

All Inputs Left channels are normalled to the Right Inputs.

Blank areas on the left and bottom edges of the panel allow for the user to write all the inputs and outputs sources that each channel is connected to.

Different coloured knobs for faster visual recalling:

  • Black for A,C,E Outputs
  • Dark Red for B,D,F Outputs
  • Cream knobs for potential feedback diagonal: 1A, 2B, 3C, 4D, 5E, 6F.

DC coupled circuitry, can be used to mix both audio or cv signals.

Jumpers on the back of both modules allow the user to set each channel independently to Line or Synth Level, making it easier to integrate with external sources, sound processors or guitar pedals.


  • The control and input modules are connected via a large 36 wire ribbon cable, only the control module needs to be connected to the Busboard.
  • Extra IDC sockets are used for connecting larger configurations like 12x12 or 18x18.
  • Other configurations are also possible: 6x12, 12x6, 18x6, etc...
  • Up to 12x12 all ribbon cables are provided, for larger matrixes custom ones will be necessary.


This diagonal in matrix mixers routes the input X to the same Xoutput. Depending on what is connected in those Ins/Outs it has the potential to generate feedbacks.

For ex: if we plug a VCO into input 1 and use the output A as the mixer output then when raising the level of input 1 to output A this will simply act as a volume control of the VCO into the output. If we add a Filter in In 2/Out B, patching the output of a Filter module into input 2 and the Matrix output B to the Filter input. Then we can route the VCO through the Filter using the 1B Knob and forward the filter output to the master output using the 2A
Knob. In this setup whenever we raise the level of knob 2B we’ll be routing the output of the Filter module into it’s input generating a feedback in the Filter module (similar as increasing the filter’s resonance). This can be used as a feature but also requires atten-
tion as it can lead to a drastic result.

We decided to use a different color for these knobs to highlight
these special cases.

  • Width: 32HP [25HP + 8HP]
  • Depth: 45mm
  • Power: 140mA @ +12V / 140mA @ -12V
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