Sequential Pro 3 [PRE-ORDER]


Product image 1Sequential Pro 3
Product image 2Sequential Pro 3
Product image 3Sequential Pro 3

Regular price CAD$2,899.99

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The Pro 3 is a hybrid of solid, old-school analog synthesis paired with versatile digital technology. Its two voltage controlled oscillators provide warmth and presence while its third wavetable oscillator provides digital edge and grit. With 32 tables of 16 waves each and wave morphing, tonal possibilities are immense. Tuned feedback with grunge, and analog distortion deliver industrial-grade nastiness on demand.

At the heart of the Pro 3’s ballsy sound are its vintage-style filters. Filter 1 is a 4-pole low-pass design based on the Prophet-6 filter. Filter 2 is a classic transistor ladder filter with optional resonance compensation to preserve its low-end punch. Filter 3 is a classic 2-pole, state-variable design based on the OB-6 filter that can be continuously varied between low-pass, notch, and high-pass operation, with an optional band-pass mode. An additional Drive control provides still more punch when you really want to get down and dirty.

Possibly the Pro 3’s most powerful performance tool is its sequencer. With 16 tracks, 16 steps, and 4 phrases, it features both real-time and step input, ratcheting, variable gate and sequence lengths, multiple playback modes, and paraphonic operation. It also syncs to MIDI clock and external audio input, and inputs/outputs control voltages. In addition to notes, sequence tracks can control any parameter in the 171-destination modulation matrix.

The Pro 3’s Effects section provides delays, reverbs, time-domain effects such as chorus/phasing/flanging and more. There are four loopable five-stage envelope generators, three syncable LFOs with slew and phase offset, a full-featured arpeggiator, and a 32-slot modulation matrix with dozens of modulation sources and over a hundred destinations.

The Pro 3 was designed to be a super-powerful monosynth, but it is also a versatile 3-voice paraphonic synth. This makes playing 3-note chords not only possible, but with creative use of effects and some per-oscillator modulation, very expressive.

Put all of this sonic power in a three-octave, semi-weighted keyboard with velocity and channel aftertouch, add backlit pitch and mod wheels and a location-sensitive touch slider, and you’ve got one of the most inspiring synths ever made.

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