Cosmotronic Delta-V V3


Regular price CAD$299.00

Delta-V is a fully analog dual channel function generator with a dedicated VCA
and cycle switch per channel. It’s a versatile and powerful tool that packs a great amount of functionality in only 10HP.

Trigger envelopes, slew incoming gates and signals or generate LFO’s with control over both attack and decay.Dedicated End Of Cycle outputs, a summed output, providing a mix of DC coupled outputs that handles both audio and cv. The dedicated VCA for each envelope provides plenty of room for experiment and more complex patches.

The trigger input takes a trigger or gate to start an attack-decay envelope, the link switch on the front normalises trigger input 1 to trigger input 2.

Without anything patched into the VCA’s input, the module produces variable cv, an envelope set by the attack, decay and shape knobs. By patching an audio signal into the VCA input, the audio output signal will be shaped according to the settings of the envelope.

An LFO patched into the VCA input, will modulate the amplitude of the envelopes.
The slew input is used to slew, round off, incoming gates or voltages. The overall shape of the envelopes is set with the shape-, the attack- and decay knobs. The knobs can be set to produce short, snappy or very long envelopes. The shape knob transforms the envelope from exponential to linear to logarithmic.

  • Width: 10HP
  • Depth: 20mm
  • Power: 70mA @+12v / 70mA @-12v
  • Manual
  • The VCA has been re-designed, and now features an improved signal path, with low noise/low bleed. The VCA consists of a SSI2164 with an OPA1678 opamp.
  • The envelope can go a bit faster now, cycle speed up to 3kHz.
  • Cycling stability has been much improved, will keep cycling even under lots of modulation.
  • Trigger threshold: 1v and 5uS minimum pulse
  • Envelope now can go a little bit more exponential, great for Ikeda like clicks
  • Gain staging is now done differently, the VCA will stay around unity, while the envelopes still output +-10V
  • The slew input now also outputs roughly unity at the output, making it easier to dial in portamento or other cv-slewing. Please note that due to the vca/envelope construction the output lacks millivolt precision, but should still track for 3 octaves or so.

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