Vermona randomRHYTHM


Regular price CAD$455.00 Sale price CAD$493.00

randomRHYTHM is a random-based dual-channel trigger sequencer with a very unique concept. What you cannot do with it is manually setting steps or tapping-in a rhythm. Instead you have four sliders per rhythm-section to set the probability for the appearance of quarters, eighths, sixteenths and triplets to form sequences.

Realtime or Dice

Each of the rhythm-section can work in realtime or dice mode.

Realtime means, that the module is continuously generating new random values for each note value whereas in dice-mode it generates them for a complete 3/4- or 4/4-bar. In both modes, even if a bar has been diced, the sliders still influence the resulting sequence.

Clock central and multiple outputs
Beside the sequence output of each rhythm-section there are individual outs for the quarters, eighths, sixteenths and triplets. You can use them with or without random. The latter makes randomRHYTHM a precise tool to generate or multiply clocks.

Apropos clocks, the module can create its own or work with external clocks (per rhythm-section if you like).

Additional fun is guaranteed by the flexible RESET input that lets you mute the outputs or restart your diced bar. As with all parameters, the functionality can be set individually per rhythm-section.

Endless creativeness

randomRHYTHM is a creativeness booster. It is easy to create complex rhythms or straight four-to-the-floor beats. Its foolproof user interface lets you play it without thinking about randomness and probabilities, although that's the fundamental concept of the module. You don't need to be a stochastic genius!

It doesn't matter if you use it as sole rhythm-base or as valuable addition to other sequencers. randomRHYTHM gives you a different view to rhythms and the way to generate them. 

  • Width: 24HP
  • Depth: 25mm
  • Power: 110mA @ +12V / 0mA @ -12V
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