Rossum Morpheus - Black


Regular price $823.00 CAD

With the MORPHEUS digital filter module, we’re finally able to unleash the full power of the 14-pole Z­-Plane Filters that Dave invented for the E-mu Morpheus synthesizer.

The MORPHEUS Eurorack module includes over 280 filter configurations, what we call Cubes. Each Cube is composed of up to 8 complex filters that you can picture as being at the corners of a three dimensional cube (hence the name). Morpheus gives you the ability to smoothly interpolate between those 8 filters within the cube’s three dimensional space.

Due to processor limitations back in the day, the original Morpheus was capable of real-time morphing in one dimension, but interpolation in the frequency and transform dimensions were set at note-on and remained static for the remainder of the note. But even with that limitation, Morpheus offered sonic capabilities that are unmatched to this day.

With the MORPHEUS filter module, you now have simultaneous real-time CV control of all three dimensions, for dynamic timbral effects unlike anything you’ve ever heard before. In stereo. 

  • Width: 18HP
  • Depth: 25mm
  • Power: 135mA @ +12V / 25mA @ -12V
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