PWM Malevolent


Product image 1PWM Malevolent
Product image 2PWM Malevolent
Product image 3PWM Malevolent

Regular price CAD$769.00

Bridging the modular and keyboard synthesizer worlds to produce a powerful and aggressive analog beast, the Malevolent Monophonic Semi modular Analog Synthesizer from PWM is a highly flexible instrument that brings not only massive basses, searing leads, and special sound effects, but also a central hub for your expansive modular synth setup.

The product of a fruitful collaboration between PWM and Bristol-based Future Sound Systems, the Malevolent is a 100% analog, Eurorack-compatible, semimodular synth with 38 separate patch points and a huge array of sound and control options to enhance nearly any live or studio setup. 

A truly analog synth cohabiting the modular and synthesizer world. It boasts multiple connectivity options for endless patching capabilities.

Including: MIDI I/O, Clock I/O, Phones, Line out, USB C.

A fully featured Arpeggiator with independent control and signal capabilities allowing arp MIDI control alongside patchable signal manipulation.

Second-to-none USB MIDI CONTROL: Completely separate to the analog signal path. Working as a Totally Independent USB to 1 volt per octave USB MIDI interface.

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