Joranalogue Select 2


Regular price CAD$225.00

kA 'Swiss Army knife' for your modular system, Select 2 provides two highly accurate gate-controlled voltage processors in 6 HP. These allow you to create, switch, mute, hold, invert, attenuate, offset, add/mix and subtract voltages, from slow control voltages (CV) up to audio frequencies.

Each processor features two signal inputs, with the left input used by default. A gate on the 'select' input switches to the right signal input instead. The signal inputs are normalised to the precision +5 V reference (left) and 0 V (right).

Following the input section is a hold circuit. A rising edge on the 'hold' input freezes the input voltage at that moment, until the gate input goes low again. While most sample/track-and-hold modules only manage a few seconds, Select 2’s 'low droop' design enables it to store a held voltage accurately for several minutes.

The end of the signal path consists of a gated polariser/attenuverter. Using the knob, the voltage at the output can attenuated and/or inverted: the gain is −1 (inverted) at the minimum setting, 0 at the centre and +1 (unity gain) at the maximum. The polariser can be disabled using the 'unity' gate input. This unique ability enables a variety of interesting gate-controlled signal modulations. Dual-colour LEDs show the output voltage of each processor.

Finally, if the A output socket is left unused, the signal is mixed together with the B output. This enables signal offsetting, CV mixing, pitch transposing etc.

  • Width: 6HP
  • Depth: 30mm
  • Power: 25mA @ +12V / 25mA @ -12V
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