Olivella Modular IMAGENES

Olivella Modular

Regular price CAD$410.00

IMÁGENES is a stereo state variable filter with lots of character and built-in stereo imaging, panning, distortion and modulation capabilities. Features highpass, bandpass and lowpass modes that are switchable independently per filter, with L & R OUTs straight from the filters themselves for individual/dual mono operation.

The STEREO IMAGE circuit pans the filter's audio from hard L / R at the knob's CW position, mono at 12 o'clock, inverted R \ L at its CCW position and everywhere in between, allowing from subtle stereo effects and crossfading to aggressive AM and weird stereo stuff. This circuit comprises of 4 internal VCA's and is completely independent from the filters.

The LINK switch slaves the R filter's cutoff frequency to the L one, allowing manual, CV and V/OCT control over them simultaneously. FREQ L, R and IMAGE are fully CVable at audio rates with attenuverters for all these inputs. IMÁGENES can also self-oscillate cleanly across the audio spectrum featuring dedicated V/OCT inputs and good tracking over 5 octaves, allowing it to be used as a dual/stereo sine VCO or to modulate whatever you want. It also pings very nicely!

Going past 12 o'clock on the INPUT LEVEL knob soft-clipping is applied to the input, giving a fatter sound for the filters to chew on. When DRIVE is engaged the audio input amplitude triples after the soft-clipping stage and right before the filters, bringing weak signals up to modular level or to overdrive and distort the filters.

  • Width: 16HP 
  • Depth: 30mm8
  • Power: 100ma @+12v  / 100ma @-12v
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