Intuitive Instruments Exquis

Intuitive Instruments

Product image 1Intuitive Instruments Exquis
Product image 2Intuitive Instruments Exquis

Regular price CAD$418.00

A controller, an application, an instrument.

A visual and ergonomic approach to harmony

Exquis offers an intuitive way to guide you towards the right path, while allowing you to get off it. No hassle: simply choose a scale, and follow its luminous path to play in tune.

And with its default note layout, it's very easy to make chords; Exquisitely arranges notes that sound good together next to each other. You will be amazed how harmony falls under your fingers.

Expressiveness at your fingertips

No need to play a lot of notes when you can make them come alive; Exquis' expressive touches are designed to be mastered in moments while offering enormous potential for expert gestures.

Also benefit from 4 encoders and a 6-zone touch slider, increasing the sound control possibilities and making it easier to control actions on the application.

Composition at your fingertips

The Exquis cross-platform app is the perfect companion to the keyboard, akin to conventional composition software.

Compose entire songs in seconds thanks to a unique workflow that we have been perfecting for 15 years, now trusted by thousands of musicians around the world for its spontaneity and efficiency.

Universal, complementary and independent

 The Exquis keyboard is a MIDI controller compatible with all software, MIDI synthesizers and modular synthesizers.

The Exquis app, although optimized for the controller, is also compatible with all MIDI controllers. 

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