After Later Audio uBurst

After Later Audio

Regular price CAD$233.00

This is a new build of the micro version of Mutable Instruments Clouds. The module retains all the functions of the original Clouds, taking up significantly less rack space. Parasites 2.01 firmware is loaded by default. 

These modules use tall bushing potentiometers to offer a more stable feel. 

The module is fully assembled, tested, and calibrated. Eurorack power cable is included.

  • Width: 8HP
  • Depth: 22mm
  • Power: 120mA @+12v / 10mA @-12v
  • Manual
  • Recording buffer duration: 1s (32kHz, 16-bit, stereo) to 8s (16kHz, 8-bit Q-law, mono). 4 quality settings.
  • Grain size: 16ms to 1s.
  • Maximum number of concurrent grains: 40 to 60 depending on recording buffer resolution.
  • Grain generation time-base: periodical, randomized, or externally clocked.
  • Grain envelopes: continuously variable between boxcar, triangle, Hann.
  • Playback modes: granular, microlooper/buffer-lock, time-domain pitch-shifter/time-stretcher (WSOLA).
  • 4-AP diffuser to post-process the granularized signal.
  • Post processing (blending) settings: dry/wet balance, random panning amount, feedback amount, reverb amount.
  • 4 memory locations for "frozen" recording buffers.
  • Stereo inputs and outputs.
  • 1V/Oct input for pitch control.
  • Freeze button and CV input.

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