Modor NF-1 [PRE-ORDER]


Product image 1Modor NF-1 Digital Polyphonic Synthesizer
Product image 2Modor NF-1 Digital Polyphonic Synthesizer

Regular price CAD$1,685.00

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The Modor NF-1 synth is a digital DSP synth very comparable to the classic Virtual Analog synths, but Modor is moving further on from this point. Use the classic structure of VA-synths, with oscillators, filters and effects, with parameters that can be modulated using LFO's and envelopes. 

The NF-1 has a classic 12dB/oct resonant filter, but we are also giving it a versatile formant filter, never seen in hardware before. It makes classic sawtooth waves, but we're also including a lot of other brand new modulatable noisy waveforms! It has a classic delay effect, but we make every parameter editable to give way to special unexpected effect types! And so on...

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