Shakmat Modular Clock O'Pawn MK2


Regular price CAD$248.00

The Clock O’Pawn mk2 serves as a versatile clock device, taking on the role of true "chef d’orchestre" for your modular system. Its transport section lets you start, stop, and reset instruments synchronized with its intuitive internal clock or have your setup dance with your MIDI equipment.

If you find metronomic clock signals uninspiring, a variety of groove patterns and clock humanization features enable the maestro to guide your setup with distinctive shuffles and swings. Presets memory, select bus compatibility and several handy options configuring the Clock O'Pawn the way it suits you the best complete this rich set of features for a small but yet powerful clock source.

  • Clock source module offering four distinct outputs
  • Transport section with play, pause, stop, tap tempo and manual reset operations
  • Diverse selection of grooves, ranging from classic swing to experimental clock manipulation
  • Humanize adding randomisation to the clock timing
  • Accent output with 27 different patterns
  • Option menu for customizable preferences
  • Midi input for external sync with midi devices
  • Memory of 16 presets
  • Select bus compatibility
  • Skiff friendly

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