ALM Busy Circuits Squid Salmple

ALM Busy Circuits

Product image 1ALM Busy Circuit Squid Salmple
Product image 2ALM Busy Circuit Squid Salmple

Regular price CAD$695.00

The ‘Squid Salmpler’ is a Eurorack 8 channel audio & CV sampler. It is designed for immediate real time sampling, editing and mangling within a modular context.

Taking influence from early hardware samplers, The Squid Salmple focuses on usability & instinctive operation, incorporating a proven Pamela’s Workout style user interface for minimal screen dependance & a fun, hands on experience.

With support for sampling and playback for both audio and CV, as well as CV control of all parameters, on-the-fly bank loading & saving to USB, The Squid Salmple brings a unique take on old school sampling into the modular realm

The Squid Salmple comes with a USB Stick containing approximately 90 banks of original carefully curated royalty free samples. This includes a wide range of sounds from classic drum machines & weird synths to field recordings & CV modulations. Banks are provided by both ALM and some of our favourite artists and friends including Mumdance, Solid Blake, Russell Haswell, Lauren Flax, Dave Burraston (NYZ), Sue Zuki, Dungeon Acid, Sasha Lewis and Andrew Duff.

  • Width: 21 HP 
  • Depth: 32mm
  • Power: 300mA @ +12V  / 35mA @ -12V
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