Der Mann mit der Maschine M4

Der Mann mit der Maschine

Regular price CAD$709.00

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This module provides you with four motorised faders (aka flying faders) to be attached to your DROID master. You can attach up to 16 of these units (or any other DROID controllers) to one master, so the maximum number of faders on a DROID is 64. Below each fader is a touch button and an LED.

You can use the faders, the buttons and the LEDs in very flexible ways to control all parameters in your DROID patches, like steps of a sequence, volumes of channels of a digital mixer (controlled via MIDI with the X7), parameters of a large bank of envelopes, CV values that are organized in presets and much more.

The special thing about the motorized faders is that each fader can be assigned several functions or presets. When you switch the function, the fader moves to the exact position that corresponds to the current value. The usual Eurorack "picking up" of potentiometers or faders, where you never know exactly which value is currently set, is now a thing of the past.

Another unique feature is the "haptic feedback". If a fader is used, for example, in a sequencer to select a note from a scale, you can feel each individual note like an artificial notch. The fader intelligently creates these virtual grooves with its motor. This is very useful and very intuitive whenever you use the fader to select one out of several discrete values. Other examples are clock divider settings, the number of a preset, a waveform, a clock offset and much more. Due to the haptic feedback you don't need any display for seeing what you are doing. You can concentrate on making music and play very intuitively.

Another kind of haptic feedback is a kind of "pitch bend wheel", where the fader always pushes back to the center position by itself. Here the motor creates an artifcial spring. When setting analog values such as a volume or a filter cutoff, the fader then runs freely, of course.

  • Width: 14HP
  • Depth: 42mm
  • Power: 350mA @ +12V / 0mA @ -12V 
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