After Later Audio Morcom Expander for Alan and Benjolin V2

After Later Audio

Regular price CAD$68.00

An expander for After Later Audio's Alan module (a smaller version of the Turing Machine), and our Benjolin V2, that exposes the pulse outputs from the main modules. You get 7 seven random outputs and then 4 that are derived from other 7 outputs. As an example, when 1 and 2 are high then the 1+2 outputs is high. You can get some great rhythmic effects using these in conjunction with the main stepped CV output.

The module comes with the required cable to connect to Alan or Benjolin. On the back of Morcom you will see a header with the word PULSES written on the PCB, and on the back of Alan or Benjolin, there will be a corresponding header that also says PULSES.

  • Width: 4HP
  • Depth: TBD
  • Power: 15mA @ +12V / 0mA @ -12V
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