ALM Busy Circuits MCO MKII

ALM Busy Circuits

Regular price CAD$405.00

Compact Multi Synth Voice.

The MCO mk II is a highly versatile digital VCO and voice module inspired by 90s/00s digital synths shrunk into just 6HP.

It offers a broad collection of unique, high-quality synth voices, each with extensive, customizable parameters. These parameters can be directly controlled or modulated through assignable internal and external sources. Certain per-voice parameters support audio-rate modulation, including FM, sync, and DSP. Each voice also supports up to four-voice chords, external-triggered envelopes, multiple LFOs, and dual audio outputs for comprehensive desktop-like synth functionality.

Voices include a multi dimensional wavetable oscillator based on the original MCO, a complex additive synthesis engine, a multi mode ’JP’ type digi-synth, a lush virtual analog implementation, a fully featured vocoder, a bass synth for both kicks and sub sonic tones and finally a rebirth and porting of our discontinued SID GUTs chip voice.

Each voice includes factory presets as well as the ability to store and recall user presets. All state is preserved across power cycles. The MCO is designed to be familiar, quick and easy to use with a high resolution colour display and a rich visual user interface.

A USB-C connection allows for easy firmware updates, user wavetables upload and device config backup and restore. Axon expander modules are also supported to increase CV control options.

  • Width:6HP
  • Depth: 32mm
  • Power: 70mA @ +12V / 30mA @ -12V
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