Teenage Engineering OP-1 Field

Teenage Engineering

Product image 1Teenage Engineering OP-1 Field
Product image 2Teenage engineering op-1 field

Regular price CAD$2,759.00

Louder, thinner and 100 times better. Introducing the all new OP–1 field. injected with more than a decade ofideas, refinements and improvements.

Just to mention a few: stereothroughout the whole signal chain, bluetooth midi, usb type-c, a newspeaker system with a passive driver for detailed, fat and loud sound,a massive 24 hour battery life, multiple tapes and recording formats,new great sounding reverb and the 'dimension' synth engine, an all glass, flush, high resolution display. we also meticulously reworked all graphics, screen by screen. did we mention fm broadcasting?

Think of OP–1 field as the natural continuation of its predecessor.updated with the latest technology, improved design and finely tuned with professional musicians, recording artists and sound designers in mind.higher quality in all aspects, from its circuitry to connectivity and flexibility,it's tailor made for professionals in the field.
We didn't want to alter the original OP–1 too much, because we think we got it more or less right the first time; but by lowering the aluminium body around the keyboard, the new OP–1 field feels lighter, thinner and more precise.with 2k molding we also managed to fit a dual 2.4 GHz antenna system inside the aluminium body.
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