Malekko Quad VCA - Black

Malekko Heavy Industry

Regular price $262.00 CAD

Quad VCA is a 4-channel, advanced voltage controlled amplifier with an analog signal path that can either be used stand-alone, or in tandem with the Varigate 4+ and 8+ for multiple preset recall over the power bus.

Input channels 2-4 are normalled to 1 and Scan Mode allows for complex level and modulation routing. Each channel includes a mute function and all outputs are summed to a mix output. To adjust level and CV modulation per channel, use the Select Channel buttons and then adjust the Offset and Attenuverter controls.

Scan Mode includes two functions. Scan: Insert 4 inputs, 1 CV and monitor Mix output for 4:1 scanning. Pan: Insert an input into Ch 1 and Ch 1 CV will route input to up to 4 different outputs. Offset and Attenuation can be adjusted to control how incoming CV is applied.

The Remote switch allows you to access saved presets when paired with Varigate 8+ (100 presets) or Varigate 4+ (16 presets). In stand-alone mode, all settings are auto-saved.

Quad VCA is a complete 4-channel VCA and mixing solution with preset recall capability, all in 8hp.

Multiple Quad VCAs can be controlled by one Varigate 8+ or Varigate 4+ on the same bus to instantly save/recall presets.

  • Width: 8HP 
  • Depth: 23mm
  • Power: 97mA @ +12V / 50mA @ -12V
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