Korg Volca Kick


Regular price $310.00 CAD

The Volca Kick is an analog kick generator that's made for sound design. An analog circuit based on the powerful resonant sound of the original MS-20 filter, it lets you create a wide range of kick sounds only possible through analog circuitry, ranging from solid kick drums to crisp kick basses. The 16-step sequencer, a distinctive feature of the volca, now has a new Touch FX feature that lets you control an effect instantly, giving you even more live performance potential. 

The volca kick generates powerfully present kick sounds with the help of an oscillating filter from the original MS-20. The powerful Rev.1 filter of the MS-20 self-oscillates when resonance is increased to the maximum, and this is used to produce powerful kick sounds with complex overtones.  In addition to the analog kick generator circuit, there's an analog drive that includes multiple stages of distortion. The distortion level and type can be varied by a single knob, increasing the variety and power of the kick sounds. You can use the tone control to transform the character of the sound by adjusting the high-frequency range.
The volca kick features the standard volca 16-step sequencer that gives you plenty of improvisatory freedom. You can use it to quickly lay out a kick drum pattern, and it also supports realtime recording, which is an ideal way to perform kick bass phrases. And the pattern chain function lets you connect multiple sequence patterns for successive playback, making it possible to construct large-scale developments of 32, 64, or even 256 steps by joining up to 16 sequences. 

The volca kick’s motion sequence function records your knob movements, letting you add time-varying change to the sound. This is great way to polish your loops, and also lets you generate highly original live performances. Up to 16 sequence patterns and sounds can be stored in internal memory.
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