WMD PM Channels MKII


Regular price CAD$769.00

Need More Inputs? 

Add four channels at a time to your Performance Mixer MKII setup, or you can use the Channels MKII as a standalone four channel mixer. 

The expansion is simple -- identical channels, just more of them. Four at a time, up to four Channels units, for 24 total stereo channels. 

A simple 16 pin 2mm pitch expansion cable is provided and is the only connection necessary. Units can be daisy-chained easily resulting in a clean setup. 

Additionally, the outputs on Channels MKII still work when connected to the PM MKII. So you get a submix of AUX1, AUX2, and MIX available for whatever you may want to do, drum submixing, FX routing, etc. 

Not Just an Expansion -- Standalone Operation

As a standalone unit, you get three stereo outputs, MIX, AUX1, AUX2. The buttons are soft mutes. It's a robust four channel setup. 

FYI -- You can not connect  CHANNELS MKIIs together without a PM MKII. The summing, buttons, and control brain is in the master section of the PM MKII. 

Recording Outputs:

Pre and Post fade headers are available on the rear for connection to the DB25 MKII. Each Chanels MKII will fill 1/2 of a DB25 with the Pre or Post connections. 

  • Width: 24HP
  • Depth: 36mm
  • Power: TBD
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